

Bywong and Wamboin Greenways

The Greenways of the Bywong/Wamboin area of Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) is a unique and valuable community resource. It is a network of public access ways used for walking and riding for the use of local residents. The Greenways also act as important wildlife corridors,  and are essential for the welfare of local flora and fauna.

The network of public access ways is a combination of Crown road reserves (some with paved roads, some without, some driveways and also crown roads that cut across existing private land) and also specifically identified “greenways” which are usually council-owned reserves. It was Yarrowlumla Council policy to include Greenways into new subdivisions as many of these larger blocks also included public land, i.e. Crown road reserves. The Bywong/Wamboin Greenways now comprises a network of at least 25 kilometres. They were established as a ‘pilot project’ in 1994 within a vision of a Shire-wide network of Greenways.

Users are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Greenways Conditions of Use  (see below) before embarking on a walk, noting in particular that motorised vehicles are not permitted on the Greenways network.

Sign to Greenway entrance. Photo N.Stewart


Maps & Walks-  Greenways/ Public Access Way network

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Management of Greenways network

History of Greenway network

You can  also find us on FaceBookGreenways Bywong & Wamboin

Greenways Conditions of Use

The Greenways network is provided and maintained as a recreational resource for our community. Out of consideration for all users, and those residents whose properties border on the Greenways, users are asked to respect the following conditions of use:

  1. The Greenways are provided for pedestrian, horse and push bike traffic only. The use of motorised vehicles on dedicated Greenways (as distinct from roadside verges that provide links between dedicated Greenways) is specifically discouraged and, where possible, prohibited.
  2. Dogs must be kept under effective control by a competent person by means of an adequate lead, cord or short chain.
  3. Stock should not be grazed on the Greenways, unless the track in question is a Crown road with an enclosure permit by the adjacent landholder.
  4. Noise is to be kept to a minimum.
  5. The carriage of firearms or other weapons and hunting activities are not permitted.
  6. User groups are to remove their own rubbish.
  7. Users must respect private property and adjacent residents’ privacy.
  8. Gates or other exclusion mechanisms should be left as they are found.
  9. No camping is to be permitted on the Greenways.
  10. No fires are permitted on the Greenways other than as part of a legitimate prescription burning process agreed to by the Management Committee and implemented by the relevant fire authorities. Such burning will be aimed at conserving the ecological integrity of the Greenways.
  11. User groups shall remain on defined track(s) within the Greenway.
  12. There is to be no collection and/or removal of any natural or archaeological items from the Greenways.
  13. All user groups are encouraged to report all problems or concerns to the s.355 Greenways Management Committee via QPRC.

All Greenways website pages are currently being maintained by Nora Stewart. GRoW group. Page last updated  1  December 2021.

You can find us on FaceBook – Greenways Bywong and Wamboin