

The Les Reardon Reserve and Bywong Hall is community recreational and meeting facility available for the benefit and use of all residents. It is located at 67 Birriwa Road, Bywong, NSW. (Google Map)

The Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) owns this facility, and the Les Reardon Reserve Facility Management s.355 Committee maintains the facilities.

The membership of the Committee includes representatives from QPRC, the Bywong Community Association, Gearys Gap Pony Club, the Gearys Gap/Wamboin Landcare Group and other residents of Bywong.

The Committee has authority to undertake the care, control and management of Council’s facility, its functions and its assets. The Committee controls hiring, and can accept or refuse hire requests subject to the conditions in the Hire Agreement.

The Hall Management Committee meets quarterly, generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Bywong Hall.



There is a public horse-riding arena at the back of the reserve as well as access to the Greenways Network. The horse arenas adjacent to the hall are for use by the Gearys Gap Pony Club (GGPC) and are not available to the public.

Any request for usage of the GGPC dressage arena for riding instruction can be arranged through the Pony Club prior to contacting the Hall Booking Officer.

The playground is freely available and has proved to be a hit with the locals as well as travellers thru Bywong needing a pit stop.

The external disabled toilet at the hall is open when using the facilities outside of hiring times. Good to know if you drop into the playground or go for a walk on the Greenways.

Every fortnight the QPRC Mobile Library Service visits the hall between 12:00–12:45. Dates till the end of 2018 are: 13 & 27 September, 11 & 25 October, 8 & 22 November and 6 December.


Further Infortmation


Les Reardon Reserve Master Plan 21 September 2016