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WALK & CONNECT on Australia Day 2021 – Bywong Community Association
Jan 172021
GRoW is pleased to invite the Bywong & Wamboin community to our Australia Day walks on Tuesday 26 January, as follows:
1. SHORT WALK:  Starts at 8.30am from the end of Clare Lane, Bywong for 3.3km loop walk to conclude around 9.45am, with a shared morning tea outside.
YELLOW route on Google Map.
2. LONGER WALK: Starts at 8am from Weeroona Drive, Wamboin heading East to Norton Road, South to Clare Valley Place and then up Clare Valley Place to the greenway at the road end and over the hill to the junction, for a shared morning tea. RETURN walk after morning tea. 8.85kms walk, mostly flat walking.
GREEN route on Google Map. Car parking will be on Weeroona Drive, along the roadside.
We are also pleased to invite non-walkers/ those who have less mobility in our community to join us for a shared morning tea at 9.45am-10.15am.
Car parking for those on short walk + those coming for morning tea will be at the end of the Clare Lane cul-de-sac, and a short walk down the hill to the junction, where both walk parties will be meeting up- JX / Junction Valley View on the Google map.
Note while enjoying our event, we will still need to keep physically distance from those from other households.
We are a small group of volunteers who are giving time & energy to this event and we would appreciate it if you would REGISTER for all those committing to come to this event via our REGISTRATION FORM. https://greenwaysgrow.wufoo.com/forms/australia-day-walks-26-january-2021-registration/
Please only consider registering if you really want to attend.
For more information, please contact Nora Stewart, GRoW Coordinator.

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