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Playground – Bywong Community Association



The Bywong Community Playground has been an amazing achievement by the Bywong Community Inc. The last biggest construction effort by the association was with the Bywong Hall at the Les Reardon Reserve. The playground was officially was opened December 16th 2017. The design and plans have all been donated by Jennie from Fresh Landscape Design, which the association is most grateful for her generous donation of time and experience to make this project a reality. We also have following the playground images a list of the sponsors whom have made this possible with their generous donations of money (grants and donations), time, publicity and selling tea towels! A big thank you to them as without their generosity our playground would not have eventuated.




Our big grand opening of the playground was also sponsored by the following local businesses, whilst it was a scorcher of a day, everyone who attended had a great time.



The extensive fundraising by the Bywong Community Inc would not have been possible without the donation by JP of his amazing architectural sketches which were initially made into a Bungendore Calendar, and then transformed into tea towels. No one could have expected the tea towel craze to take off but it did, with not only Bungendore but a Braidwood, Queanbeyan and Goulburn tea towel produced. The first 200 Queanbeyan towels enabled the association to donate $2000.00 to the Carwoola Bush Fire Appeal, with assistance from Debbie from Beautiful Gifting (now closed) with the sales. JP has also donated the Goulburn tea towel sales to Abbeyfield House Goulburn, to help them raise much needed funds. Apart from the Goulburn tea towel all other towels will be on sale from Food Lovers Market in Bungendore, as well as being sold by the association at various events around the local area.



JP was not only illustrating for tea towels, but has also produced a card with the local inhabitants of the Bywong wamboin area. These are sold at the Bungendore Post Office and also at Food Lovers Market Bungendore.


If you live further afield and would like to purchase tea towels or cards please email the Bywong Community Inc President on the contact page.

  2 Responses to “Playground”

  1. I would like to purchase 3 of the Queanbeyan tea towels. Could I submit an order please
    My address is 49 Old Sydney Rd Queanbeyan

    • Hi Helen
      The tea towels are for sale at the Q gift shop if that is more convenient for you?
      Otherwise we could work something out to drop some to you soon.
      Please advise

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