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Maps and Walks – Bywong Community Association

Maps and Walks


Contact Us

Greenway Network Maps

12 Walks with Google Maps & Printable Maps

GRoW Guided Public Walks


Greenway Network Maps

NEW! An overview of the Greenways network can now be found on the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council website.

The map legend is on the left side of the page- go to Land > and then to Bywong Wamboin Greenways Master Plan.

QPRC map legend

DOWNLOAD Greenway Map updated Feb 2023 includes photographs of many of the entrances and intersections on the various tracks. as per the 3 images below.


Greenways Map Page 1 Updated Feb 2023 Greenways Map page 3



12 Walks with Google Maps & Printable Maps

The 12 walks listed here are a mix of loop walks and A-B /return walks. They are listed in order of shortest to longest distance. REMEMBER the two biggest safety issues while out walking will be fast moving vehicles, and snakes, in that order.

Maps Legend- What do the icons mean?

Greenway map icon legend

DOWNLOAD PRINTABLE table of walks: WALK map table for website 30 May 2022

1.4kms about 20-25 mins approx.

A-B walk / return
Undulating walk with one very small uphill and downhill.

Bywong Hall- short orientation walk for those new to greenways to show them how to access the greenways from Jx Les Reardon Reserve to South to Jx Bywong Hall (Cresswell’s corner) return.


TRACK NOTES : Mel Hillery has produced these lovely track notes, giving some additional information about the local flowers and other natural attractions for this walk- Nature Notes Track 1

Nature Notes Track 1
22.5kms- 1 hour very leisurely.

A-B walk return
Flat, easy walking. Minimal shade.

Lake George/ Ngungara lakeside SHORT WALK– stroll along the Lakeshore and admire the view.

Two walk options that lend an appreciation to the South Western view of Lake George/ Weereewa or Ngungara.

Option 1 is a short walk along the foreshore from the car park below the viewing lookout.

Option 2 is a walk from the viewing lookout heading South, up the ridge and through a gate. This is private land. Continue South along the escarpment until you reach a fenceline. This land is crown land, and you should request permission to access from the lease holder, Shaun Read 0428 572 061.

Continue South and head downhill a little until you come to a cluster of trees with a really good view South to Bungendore and East across to the wind turbines.

33.26 kms: 1 hour approx.

3 small hills, bushland and very scrubby underfoot, long grass.

Clare Lane, Valley & Valley View Lane LOOP WALK: - either direction.
Starting from EntExClare Lane. head South to the Jx Valley View, West up the hill and down to EntEx Clare Valley Lane, then South West along the roadside to Norton Road, take the path on the East side of Norton Road, and then turn North onto Valley View Lane roadside and to the cul-de-sac. Straight through the EntExt Valley View gate and back to EntEx Clare Lane.

43.6kms about 1-1 ½hours.
LOOP Walk.
Mostly flat, some undulating walking. Mostly on clear path aside from roadside walking on Denley and Macs Reef.

Bywong Hall / Macs Reef Loop: Bywong Hall/ Les Reardon Reserve:
ANTI-CLOCKWISE LOOP: Head South to Jx Bywong Hall, then go West to EntEx 46-136 Denley Drive, then North along Denley Drive to Macs Reef Road. Head West along Macs Reef Road (North side mostly) down hill to Birriwa Road and return to the Hall.

58.7 kms About 2-3 hours

LOOP walk
Car shuffle
Flat and mostly clear paths.

SUMMER, SPRING, AUTUMN- Mostly shaded walking.
Weeroona Drive to Clare Lane LOOP Walk: Walking from West to East: Start at Weeroona Drive entrance walking west along an open paddock, cross an eroded creek bed into a line of pine trees. Follow the path to the corner Cnr Weeroona/Norton and head South into remnant bush.
Follow the path that leads South into an open paddock just before the Cnr Norton/Weeroona and then head West along the fence line, through a small creek and up the hill towards EntEx 1199- 1205 Norton Road.

Head South along Norton roadside and cross the road when you get to Clare Valley Place. Walk to the end at the cul-de-sac to join the greenway EntEx 48-50 Clare Valley Place, up and over the small hill down towards a gate (Cnr Valley View).

OPTION TO walk North out to Clare Lane OR
Head South in a loop to Valley View Lane, through the gate near the cul-de-sac and along the road to Norton Road.
Head North along Norton Road on the track on the East side of the road, past the Clare Valley Place junction until you get back to EntEx 1199- 1205 Norton Road.
Back on to the greenway to Weeroona Drive.

64.4kms 1 - 1 1/2 hour faster pace.

More difficult- Flat walking combined with some short, steep climbing with a return the same way.

SPRING, AUTUMN, WINTER- Minimal shade. Very pleasant when no Westerly wind blowing with traffic noise from Highway.
Lake George/ Ngungara / Crown land LOOP walk:
Start at Weereewa Lookout car park. Jump fence and head south up the escarpment to the gate. Continue South along the escarpment (private land) and walk past the tower onto crown land. Continue South just before a large gully, to admire the view South to Bungendore and out to the East. Traverse along the escarpment heading North.

76 kms- 1 ½- 2 hours fairly leisurely pace.

Mixed terrain – mostly flat, some short steep hills.

SPRING, AUTUMN, WINTER. Only shade is along Macs Reef roadside and western corner of Newington Road.
Harriott Road/ Newington Road LOOP:
Start anywhere along the Harriott/ Macs Reef corners/ Newington road. Access the greenway at the Southern end of the loop from either EntEx 152-154 Harriott or EntEx 197 Newington.

86.4 kms- 1 ½- 2 hours fairly leisurely pace.

A-B walk
Car shuffle
Mostly flat and downhill from Millyn to The Henge. Mixed paths- Donnelly Links have no made path.

Millyn Road to South End Old Federal Highway: either direction.
From Millyn road to Donnelly Road, walk Donnelly Road down to the new Fed Hwy to Old Federal Highway. Downhill finish with visit to either Tulip Top Gardens (open September-October) or across the highway to The Henge (private facility).
Walking the other direction will be primarily uphill.

97kms – 1 ½ -2 hours walk.

Mostly flat, one short steep hill.

Rough terrain in parts along Federal Highway, and some parts of Schofield road, including fording a creek, and some parts of Donnelly links.
Take care on Bungendore Road section – traffic.

Donnelly Links/ Fed Highway/ Schofield Road/ Bungendore Road/ Millyn Road LOOP either direction.
This walk offers a variety of views, and is mostly only slightly undulating, except the the Easterly section of road adjoining Bungendore Road where there is a hill. A few challenges - jump one fence at Donnelly Road/ Fed Highway section, wading through very boggy ankle-deep water in one section of the Schofield Road.
Take care walking alongside the Bungendore Road - not very long but quite narrow. Millyn Road walking is delightful. The Donnelly Links have a series of unlocked gates for through access.

1011kms approx 2- 3 hours walk.

Mixed terrain – mostly flat, some short steep hills.

SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER. Shaded along greenways and open no shade along paved roads and Millpost Hill.
Millpost Hill LOOP – either direction
OPTION 1 - Anticlockwise from Bywong Hall . West and then South through Birchmans Grove to Orana Drive, Hogan Drive up to Millpost and down the other side crossing Denley to meet the Greenways heading North and back to Bywong Hall.

OPTION 2 - Clockwise from Majors Close. Majors Close head West to Millpost Hill, North on Hogan Drive, West to Orana & Yuranga, north onto greenway towards Birchmans Grove and Jx Harriott. Head East towards Denley Drive, across Denley to enter greenway and head South back to Majors Close.


1113kms 3-4 hours walk.

Mostly flat and mostly clear paths.

SPRING, AUTUMN, WINTER- No shade on Eastern end of Woolshed Lane, Warramunga Lane, greenway link between Warramunga/ Norton and along Norton Rd.
Woolshed/ Warramunga/ Norton/ Weeroona LOOP Walk. Start anywhere along the loop, heading either way.
Clockwise walk - Walk the length of Woolshed Lane, the length of Warramunga Close, the Warramunga/ Norton Road greenway, Norton Road northern section, Norton Road/ Weeroona Drive greenway, Weeroona Drive to Majors Close cul-de-sac, EntEx Majors Close to Jx Majors all the way North to EntEx 97 Denley Drive.

3-5 hours walk

Mostly flat and mostly clear paths and roadside walking.

AUTUMN, WINTER, SPRING. Northern section is mostly shaded with the southern section being open and exposed.

SUMMER option could include walking Norton Road rather than Wirreanda Road.
Wamboin Loop Walk – start anywhere on the loop.
CLOCKWISE DIRECTION: Incorporates existing greenways network off Weeroona Drive, connecting with Norton Road and then to Ryans Road, Wirreanda Road, back to Norton Road and Weeroona Drive.


Roadside Access Ways

Bywong & Wamboin greenways are linked to local roads. Many of these local roads have unpaved walk access alongside the road, including a number of our main roads.

Macs Reef Road – Google map with where roadside access is safe.


If you are into Geocaching there are a number located in Bywong and Wamboin areas on Greenways, there are even some Trig point caches too. A simple Internet search with… Bywong, Wamboin and geocache… will find a number of them.

GRoW Guided Public Walks

GRoW had our most recent walks were on Sunday 20 September, which was rainy in places but very beautiful. We had 3 concurrent walks with 26 people altogether, and a couple of dogs.

You can find a link to the Google MAP for all 3 walks. Thanks to all the volunteer guides and back-up.


Community Happy Heart Walks with GRoW: Archive

2013 Program – GROW public walks 2013

2014 Program- GROW public walks 2014

2015 Program- GROW public walks 2015

GRoW held our inaugural walk in  November 2010, and then another in September 2011 and in September 2012, when the Warramunga/ Norton road link was opened.

First greenway walk photo

Inaugural community walk from Bywong Hall, 21 November 2010.

An annual program of  Happy Heart walks  was held between 2013-2016,  which aimed to get people and their dogs & horses out walking, talking, riding, enjoying connecting with others in the community. GROW worked closely with the Gearys Gap/ Wamboin Landcare Group to share and improve our knowledge of the locality.

Greenways crowd on Millpost

First community walk to Millpost Hill, September 2011.


Happy walkers at Lake George/ Weereewa/ Ngungara 2015



You can find us on FaceBook – Greenways Bywong and Wamboin

All Greenways Google maps & printable maps have been created, and are maintained by  Nora Stewart. This page is  currently being maintained by Nora Stewart GroW Group. Last updated  6 April 2023.