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Fundraising Bungendore Postcards – Bywong Community Association
Jul 172018

The Bywong Community Inc fundraising post cards of Bungendore are for sale at the Bungendore Community Bank.

The set of six cards have been created by Bywong resident JP Favre and showcase some of the most notable buildings in the town.

A great gift for visitors or something to post overseas to friends and family.

The set of six costs $12.00 and is great value as they come with individual envelopes!

The bank also has some of the “Why I live where I live” cards (also with envelope) and a few of the Bungendore tea towels, which are also available from Foodlovers Market bungendore, for $15.00 per tea towel and $3.00 per card.

These are all great gifts to show people what Bungendore’s historical buildings look like, as well as helping the Bywong Community Inc raise money for events, activities, and infrastructure up in Bywong.

  One Response to “Fundraising Bungendore Postcards”

  1. Hello,

    Is this set of 6 postcards of Bungendore still available to purchase?

    Mary Reid

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